AI tools Archives - Swivl Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:00:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 97173492 Elevating engagement & autonomy in elementary school Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:00:37 +0000 Discovering Mirror: A game-changer in guided learning Juggling time constraints and wanting to engage my students were the main reasons I was so excited to start using Mirror. This tool allows my kids to reflect on their work at any time. It’s versatile, and any age or ability can use it. My kids can access […]

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Mirror guides my second graders through reflection questions on their own, and then I get data on their answers to help me support each student’s needs.

Creating more autonomous and deeply engaged elementary students

Melisa Hayes


Grade Level 2nd grade

Discovering Mirror: A game-changer in guided learning

Juggling time constraints and wanting to engage my students were the main reasons I was so excited to start using Mirror. This tool allows my kids to reflect on their work at any time. It’s versatile, and any age or ability can use it. My kids can access Mirror at any point of the day, and it fits into my limited schedule.

In my room, Mirror is in a corner where kids can go anytime to use it when they want to reflect. Mirror guides my second graders through reflective questions independently. They get immediate AI-generated feedback, and then I get data on their answers to those questions that help me support each student’s needs. 

And guess what? They love Mirror

Not only is it a reflective tool–it can be transformed into an interactive workspace that supports individual and small-group guided learning. It’s amazing for me as an educator to be able to set up the Mirror for small groups. I record instructions, set Mirror to turn into a functional whiteboard, program brain breaks, and stretches, and then bring students back to reflection as the foundation of the activity.

Giving voice to the youngest students

I have always faced challenges when having my students reflect on their learning. Time, of course, is always a factor; but also, there is the added challenge of keeping my students engaged enough to reflect on a lesson, subject, or their behavior. Mirror lets them take that initiative right in class, creating an environment where even young students can feel autonomy over their actions.

Giving my kids the ability to choose how to give their brains a break and center themselves is such a great way to promote their self-advocacy. Mirror does this with the Recharge feature, a series of movement activities aimed at either focus, energy, or rest. Mirror is also customized for each student. They can color code their “profile” and choose the animation they’d like to be greeted with – one of my kids chooses a high five and always giggles when it comes on!

When used in conjunction with a stronger reflective foundation, Mirror has the ability to help even the youngest learners reach a higher order of thinking. This is something we need to consider more in the age of AI.

Try Mirror, commitment-free, with your students

Do your students need more cohesion in their learning experience? Could you use more support amidst time constraints? Explore supporting your students’ learning with reflection. Try Mirror with students in your class for free today!

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Research-based feedback for students and insights for teachers, within minutes Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:51:55 +0000 As an innovative Instructional Specialist in Digital Learning for Kleb Intermediate School, Kim Sharp wanted to find new ways to gain insights into her students’ learning and growth. She decided to explore tech solutions that qualified for Title 1 funding. Her research led to Swivl’s new interactive reflection station, Mirror. After receiving Mirror, Kim put […]

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Build reflective skills and improve writing outcomes

Kim Sharp


Grade: middle school

As an innovative Instructional Specialist in Digital Learning for Kleb Intermediate School, Kim Sharp wanted to find new ways to gain insights into her students’ learning and growth. She decided to explore tech solutions that qualified for Title 1 funding. Her research led to Swivl’s new interactive reflection station, Mirror.

After receiving Mirror, Kim put the device to the test. Kim had her humanities co-teaching partner, Christy Stewart, create custom reflections in Mirror for each of her students to reflect on their writing processes. Their goal was to determine whether offering an option for students to record verbal reflections would help the students improve their written outcomes.

When setting up custom reflections for students to complete with Mirror, teachers have the choice to type out the “goal” of a reflection or to record themselves as they say the goal out loud. Kim and Christy decided to record the goal so the students would hear their teacher’s voice.

Students were initially hesitant about recording verbal reflections with Mirror, but after demoing how to use it, and hearing their teachers’ voices stating the goal, they quickly warmed up. The students even named their Mirror, Siggy after Sigmund Freud.

Improving students’ reflective skills

The more Kim and Christy used Mirror with their students the more they realized that their students don’t know how to reflect on their own. This made them realize that Mirror needed a dedicated place in their classroom. This newly minted reflection station helps students easily build their reflective skills.

After a student records a reflection with Mirror, Mirror’s AI generates immediate feedback based on the student’s response. Each piece of feedback includes something a student did well, and offers an unbiased insight into how students can improve.

Data grounded in education research and theory

As part of the feedback Mirror offers, teachers can access a dashboard containing individualized reflection cards for each student reflection. To generate the data on each card Mirror’s AI measures the student’s reflection against education research and theories from Piaget, Kegan, Erikson, Vygotsky, CASEL, and more.

Minutes after a student completes a reflection, teachers are able to dive into the data. Mirror presents an overall reflection score comprising sentiment, tone, and mindset scoring. It clearly lays out how a student understood the objective of the reflection, to name a few of the data points.

“I found the teacher dashboard extremely helpful! The color coding on each student’s reflection that assessed their tone meant I could easily see the students that were having a really good day. On the students where the analysis was red, I immediately knew where I needed to focus more one-on-one time.”

Helping students demonstrate how they are thinking

Mirror is helping Christy and Kim better understand the thinking patterns of each of their students. Mirror isn’t a linear assessment. Mirror is enabling Kim and Christy to see a better representation of their students’ thinking processes – in their words, “We’re able to see the students who always think outside of the box, and the students who need more support to think outside of the box.” For Kleb Intermediate School they have found a solution that provides better opportunities for students to process concepts and themes while expressing the depth of their thinking.

Read more about how Klein ISD educators are using Mirror

  • Klein ISD –  Monica Shallenberger, the Director of Professional Learning for the Klein Independent School District, uses Mirror to support her teachers amidst stringent state budgets. 
  • Hildebrandt Intermediate School – Sarah Marin uses Mirror in her 7th-grade English classroom for project-based learning assessments.

Interested in seeing how Mirror can support your students and teachers? Sign up to participate in a 30-day, free demo of Mirror.

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Authenticity over compliance Wed, 13 Mar 2024 12:26:43 +0000 “Many students seem to struggle with written reflection.” Dr. Traci Johnson is a big believer in the necessity of reflection, especially after a large project or assignment. However, the reflections teachers in her school were getting largely seemed inauthentic, like students were just checking the activity off the list to get it done. Finding authentic […]

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To increase authenticity and ownership

Traci Johnson


Grade Level High School

“Many students seem to struggle with written reflection.” Dr. Traci Johnson is a big believer in the necessity of reflection, especially after a large project or assignment. However, the reflections teachers in her school were getting largely seemed inauthentic, like students were just checking the activity off the list to get it done.

Finding authentic student engagement

“Some reflection prompts worked better than others, but we felt students weren’t doing the work to understand how their successes and struggles helped them grow and how they can apply that to future learning. They were trying to say what they thought the teacher wanted to hear.”

Using Mirror has allowed Traci’s students to engage in more authentic reflection. Students can talk about their successes, challenges, and plans for future work in a less formal manner. Not only are the reflections higher quality, but Traci and her colleagues have been able to share the AI-generated feedback with students so they can work to further improve their reflective skills.

Image of Traci Johnson's tweet about student reflection practices that reads, "I had my 97 juniors reflect on their research papers using @swivl
. Along with grading their papers, this would have been a lot to handle for both of us without Mirror's AI tools. Reflecting is important, and we don't make time for it enough. This helped make it useful for all."

Exploring flexible integration of Mirror

Traci has been flexible in how she places Mirror in her school and how it’s utilized daily, to see what works best. She’s also been observing how others use the device when they borrow it. “In an ideal world, we would have 5-6 devices for teachers to check out to use in their classrooms. Currently, we have two.” Some teachers with large enough rooms have students go to a designated spot to record their reflections. Others have students take it to the hallway to reflect. 

This week, Traci plans to use Mirror in her classroom, and due to her proximity to the library, plans to have students use Mirror there. They will be reflecting on the research process and how they can transfer the skills they are learning in English class to other courses that require research.

Try Mirror free for 30 days

Curious how Mirror can automate reflection in your classroom? Signing up for the Mirror demo gives your school dedicated support and an opportunity to try Mirror for free. Throughout your demo, our team will walk you through unboxing, personalizing Mirror for your goals, and anything else you may need to be successful with reflection.

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