Vlad Tetelbaum, Author at Swivl https://www.swivl.com/author/vlad/ Wed, 26 Jun 2024 14:58:15 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 97173492 Hong Kong International School Shares Methodologies for Distance Learning https://www.swivl.com/2020/03/06/hong-kong-international-school-shares-methodologies-for-distance-learning/ Sat, 07 Mar 2020 00:19:48 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=59964 Swivl Co-Founder Vlad Tetelbaum discusses how Hong Kong International School takes on the challenges of distance learning in the wake of the Covid-19 Virus with David Lovelin (High School Principal) and Hamlet Lin (Tech Coach and High School Studies Coordinator) Don’t forget to check out the blog. Follow us on Twitter: @Swivl

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Swivl Co-Founder Vlad Tetelbaum discusses how Hong Kong International School takes on the challenges of distance learning in the wake of the Covid-19 Virus with David Lovelin (High School Principal) and Hamlet Lin (Tech Coach and High School Studies Coordinator) Don’t forget to check out the blog. Follow us on Twitter: @Swivl

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Stronger Swivl account security https://www.swivl.com/2020/01/27/stronger-swivl-account-security/ Tue, 28 Jan 2020 07:04:07 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=44601 Using weak passwords and managing multiple logins are big security threats and should be avoided by every educational institution.  To strengthen our software security at no additional cost and offer you greater convenience and flexibility, Swivl Teams now includes Single Sign-on (SSO) authentication.  It allows teachers, coaches, and students to use their institutional login and […]

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Using weak passwords and managing multiple logins are big security threats and should be avoided by every educational institution.  To strengthen our software security at no additional cost and offer you greater convenience and flexibility, Swivl Teams now includes Single Sign-on (SSO) authentication.  It allows teachers, coaches, and students to use their institutional login and password to access their Swivl Team account. This is the most secure way to authenticate users and unlike some of our competitors, like Torsh, we don’t charge anything extra for this feature.  Therefore, we encourage all of our Swivl Team administrators to contact our support team (support@swivl.com) and start the process of enabling SSO on their accounts.  It requires minimal effort -- just connect us with the right IT person and we will take care of the rest.

The need for SSO was derived from requests of districts and universities for stronger password and authentication requirements.  We partnered with one of them to develop and test our SSO solution before releasing it to a broader set of users. Our goal is to eventually enable SSO for every Swivl Teams user.  We also want to work with IT directors to unite all of their Swivl users into a centralized team in order to improve district IT oversight and security management.

As a founder of Swivl I wear many hats -- one of them is Chief Security Officer (CSO).  What does a CSO do? I work with our team and customers to make sure that we deliver the safest and most secure software.  It requires regular reviews and improvements, adding new tools and processes to prevent unwanted attacks (e.g. penetration testing), and constantly sourcing  ways to improve our product. 

Because Swivl Teams is dedicated to protecting the content across 50,000 customer sites around the globe, early on we decided to make all security features standard for everyone.  We encrypt all stored video content and all transmission of data, and authenticate every user for private sharing. We selected Amazon’s AWS since it is one of the most secure and certified cloud platforms.  Learn more about our security here.

We will continue to look for ways to improve and look forward to working with all of you.


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Audio and Wireless Microphones https://www.swivl.com/2019/10/18/audio-and-wireless-microphones/ Fri, 18 Oct 2019 08:39:27 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=43264 From the very first version of Swivl’s robot we realized how important clear audio is for our customers.  It is not enough to see what the teacher is doing, but it is also important to hear them and in most cases to hear student replies, questions, and conversations so that engagement can be observed and […]

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From the very first version of Swivl’s robot we realized how important clear audio is for our customers.  It is not enough to see what the teacher is doing, but it is also important to hear them and in most cases to hear student replies, questions, and conversations so that engagement can be observed and measured.  Most cameras and mobile devices’ built-in microphones are inadequate. We have learned the pitfalls and weaknesses of other available solutions and designed something that uniquely suits the classroom environment.  


HD or even 4K video is so omnipresent and accessible now, that everyone expects audio quality to match. Some video software vendors (such as Edthena and Torsh) recommend cheap wireless microphones -- which lead to unusable videos, many frustrations, and wasted time and effort.  Building products that capture great audio requires a sophisticated understanding of the recording environment and of wireless audio recording technology, which they lack.  There are a number of important parameters to consider when selecting wireless microphones for video capture in the classroom.

Interference.  A majority of the wireless microphones are using low cost technologies that are prone to interference from other devices.  One of the most common is using 2.4Ghz frequencies which is also used by Bluetooth, Wifi, and many other wireless technologies.  With the introduction of Wifi 802.11n as a standard, the spectrum of this particular frequency is overloaded. This leads to moments of noise or silences that can last seconds contributing to  horrible audio quality and also missing the important moments. The C-Series Swivl uses DECT technology which operates at a completely different, much less used, frequency.

Noise.  Microphones have some inherent background noise.  It is due to many technical factors including the use of analog technology, analog transmission, and design methodologies.  We have tested a number of consumer wireless microphones and found them incredibly noisy -- the actual recordings were drowning in the background noise.  The microphones would have to be held right by the speaker’s mouth or the speaker would need to elevate their voice dramatically in order to be heard. C-Series Swivl uses all digital technologies -- from the microphone to the recording.  This makes background noise levels some of the lowest possible.

Coverage. One microphone is sufficient to capture audio of one speaker.  But what about students? What if they are broken up into small groups?  How do you get whole classroom coverage to measure engagement? There are currently no commercially available solutions to do this.  Only Swivl offers up to 5 concurrent microphones that can be placed strategically around the classroom. After a video has been captured, each individual audio stream can be listened to individually or several at a time, making it an ideal engagement analysis tool.

Sensitivity.  Sensitivity is how much of surrounding sounds the microphone can pick up.  Some microphones are very sensitive and pick up everything around them. Some are not sensitive at all, requiring very close placement to the speaker.  Some commercial microphones have adjustments, but that often leads to increased background noise. Swivl has adjustable sensitivity in the mobile app for every microphone paired with the robot.  This allows a teacher to individually adjust each microphone based on the situation.

Swivl is the industry leader in classroom audio and is trusted by 40,000 educators to deliver the best, most reliable audio for the classroom environment. Alternatives simply cannot compare and while one may be able “get by” using an inferior solution, eventually we find that those people end up choosing Swivl: where superior audio meets unique tracking in our robots; and in our intelligent platform: analytics and insights come alive with our audio enhanced playback options. Invest in the right solution right from the start. Invest in Swivl.

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Jim Knight Interview https://www.swivl.com/2018/11/15/jim-knight-interview/ Fri, 16 Nov 2018 05:08:41 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=59820 Swivl co-Founder, Vlad Tetelbaum, and Instructional Coaching Group (ICG) founder, Jim Knight, discuss the many ways in which video can lead to transformational outcomes both for teachers and students. References from the Interview The Impact Cycle High Impact Instruction The Reflection Guide to Better Conversations

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Swivl co-Founder, Vlad Tetelbaum, and Instructional Coaching Group (ICG) founder, Jim Knight, discuss the many ways in which video can lead to transformational outcomes both for teachers and students.


References from the Interview

The Impact Cycle

High Impact Instruction

The Reflection Guide to Better Conversations

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Removing YouTube integration for your safety https://www.swivl.com/2019/09/23/removing-youtube-integration-for-your-safety/ Tue, 24 Sep 2019 01:45:54 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=42804 Effective September 27, 2019 we are removing the “Export to YouTube” feature from the Swivl Teams platform. This is a feature that was added early in our platform based on a few customer requests. But after a long internal discussion and with support from key customers, we have decided to remove it. What motivated this […]

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Effective September 27, 2019 we are removing the “Export to YouTube” feature from the Swivl Teams platform. This is a feature that was added early in our platform based on a few customer requests. But after a long internal discussion and with support from key customers, we have decided to remove it.

What motivated this decision was the recent announcement that YouTube knowingly violated COPPA law and although a $170 million FTC fine seems impressive, YouTube still brings in close to $15 billion in revenue annually. YouTube has promised to improve but they still largely focus on kid-created content and the changes they have identified are very narrowly defined. Given the intrinsic goals of the ad-driven platform like YouTube, it raises a concern for us that other violations are possible and probable. And today, we say: enough is enough.

We are all users of Google tools and many schools have adopted various Google platforms -- Chromebooks, GAFE, etc. GAFE was conceived to be safe for educational uses, but not all Google products are created equally. My co-founder, Brian, first alerted the education community about YouTube’s non-compliance back in 2015. In the past, some customers who purchased Swivl robots wanted to use YouTube for both student-facing as well as teacher-facing uses, but in every case we have strongly discouraged it and advocated for the use of an alternative education focused video platform, even if that meant choosing one of our education-focused competitors.

YouTube is laser focused on ad revenue and profits which threatens the safety of modern educational environments. Over the past few years, more and more school districts, states, and higher education institutions are placing a higher priority on the security of classroom generated videos. As a result, at Swivl, we have significantly strengthened our own security processes, protocols, and infrastructure to meet the growing stringent demands of our customers and continue to be dedicated to them.

We encourage all schools to abandon YouTube and consider other responsible video platforms (including Swivl Teams) that follow FERPA, COPPA, and other educational security and privacy standards.

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The Privacy and Security of our Kids https://www.swivl.com/2017/10/31/privacy-and-security-of-our-kids/ Wed, 01 Nov 2017 00:07:36 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=26363 I am a dad of two kids in middle school.  Every day they are exposed to new technological experiences, and every day I ask myself -- Am I doing everything I can to protect them?  I worry about their personal data use in school, what they have access to, and external influences.  I try to […]

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I am a dad of two kids in middle school.  Every day they are exposed to new technological experiences, and every day I ask myself -- Am I doing everything I can to protect them?  I worry about their personal data use in school, what they have access to, and external influences.  I try to remind myself that when I was their age, it was easy to get access to anything and that at the end of the day I cannot isolate them from the world. So my wife and I focus on educating our kids on how to handle themselves, be good digital citizens, and carefully review and evaluate what happens to them in school.

Concerns about the privacy and security of students are not new to me.  As a founder of a startup that promotes use of video in classrooms for instructional coaching and teacher improvement, I have had hundreds of conversations with our customers about student privacy.  Our hardware and software helps capture video of not only the teacher, but also of their interactions with students, student work, and small group activities.  We believe that having a holistic view of the classroom can help teachers and coaches better collaborate, provide unique insights, and surface valuable “aha” moments.  Obviously a majority of the videos we help to capture and store do depict students.  Unsurprisingly, many teachers, administrators, and parents have concerns about the privacy and security of those videos.

The vast majority of schools and districts have found a way to use video observations in their schools.  Others have had more challenges and we've seen a wide variety of philosophies around the use of video in the classroom.  Some have even asked us if we can blur student faces to protect their identity.  Unfortunately, reliable technology for completely blurring the faces of specifically only students is still far from perfect.  More importantly, we believe that doing so would significantly undermine a video’s value since so much about human interactions is in the facial expressions.  How else could a coach see if students are engaged in a lesson?  How can you tell who is paying attention and who disengaged?  

Some districts forbid their schools from using cloud based services like Swivl.  This is extremely short-sighted as cloud based software offers significant cost, support, and upgradeability benefits.  Alternatives of storing video on outdated tech, like DVDs and hard-drives, pose much greater security risks.  It also makes the process of sharing so cumbersome that eventually teachers stop using video altogether.

Unfortunately other schools, especially in districts with strong parental voices, are trying to stop the use of recording video altogether.  This deprives teachers and administrators of one of the most innovative tool to disrupt education.  Research studies, specifically the ones conducted by the Gates Foundation and Harvard CEPR, have demonstrated again and again the benefits of self-reflection and video based feedback to teacher improvement.

So what are my recommendations when I speak with customers?

Just as when I’m speaking with my kids, its all starts with education.  If you are working with parents, it is important to explain the intent of these videos.  It’s not a tool to grade students; it’s is a tool to help teachers improve their skills.  Swivl is not a giant company whose goal is to mine data on your kids for advertising. In fact, we will never use videos for unintended purposes.  Next, it is important to discuss who can access the videos.  Swivl enables private sharing, so only the people who are meant to view a video can access it.   If an unintended person gets ahold of a video link they will not be able to view it unless they can prove they are the intended viewer.

When it comes to our platform, Swivl goes to great lengths to secure all videos when they are uploaded, stored, or played.  We are FERPA and COPPA compliant, have signed and fully support the Student Privacy Pledge, and invite you to read through our terms and privacy policy.  We always welcome a conversation so we can explain what we do and why we do it. We are happy to review and sign additional security and privacy contracts as required.  At the end of the day, the most important thing to me and Swivl, is to protect your kids like we protect our own.

If you need help with these questions in your school or district, please email vlad at swivl.com


Swivl Security Overview

Swivl Terms and Conditions

Swivl Privacy Policy

Student Privacy Pledge

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