Mirror User Stories Archives - Swivl https://www.swivl.com/category/mirror-user-stories/ Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:00:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 97173492 Elevating engagement & autonomy in elementary school https://www.swivl.com/2024/06/25/engaged-and-autonomous-elementary-school-students/ Tue, 25 Jun 2024 16:00:37 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=88913 Discovering Mirror: A game-changer in guided learning Juggling time constraints and wanting to engage my students were the main reasons I was so excited to start using Mirror. This tool allows my kids to reflect on their work at any time. It’s versatile, and any age or ability can use it. My kids can access […]

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Mirror guides my second graders through reflection questions on their own, and then I get data on their answers to help me support each student’s needs.

Creating more autonomous and deeply engaged elementary students

Melisa Hayes


Grade Level 2nd grade

Discovering Mirror: A game-changer in guided learning

Juggling time constraints and wanting to engage my students were the main reasons I was so excited to start using Mirror. This tool allows my kids to reflect on their work at any time. It’s versatile, and any age or ability can use it. My kids can access Mirror at any point of the day, and it fits into my limited schedule.

In my room, Mirror is in a corner where kids can go anytime to use it when they want to reflect. Mirror guides my second graders through reflective questions independently. They get immediate AI-generated feedback, and then I get data on their answers to those questions that help me support each student’s needs. 

And guess what? They love Mirror

Not only is it a reflective tool–it can be transformed into an interactive workspace that supports individual and small-group guided learning. It’s amazing for me as an educator to be able to set up the Mirror for small groups. I record instructions, set Mirror to turn into a functional whiteboard, program brain breaks, and stretches, and then bring students back to reflection as the foundation of the activity.

Giving voice to the youngest students

I have always faced challenges when having my students reflect on their learning. Time, of course, is always a factor; but also, there is the added challenge of keeping my students engaged enough to reflect on a lesson, subject, or their behavior. Mirror lets them take that initiative right in class, creating an environment where even young students can feel autonomy over their actions.

Giving my kids the ability to choose how to give their brains a break and center themselves is such a great way to promote their self-advocacy. Mirror does this with the Recharge feature, a series of movement activities aimed at either focus, energy, or rest. Mirror is also customized for each student. They can color code their “profile” and choose the animation they’d like to be greeted with – one of my kids chooses a high five and always giggles when it comes on!

When used in conjunction with a stronger reflective foundation, Mirror has the ability to help even the youngest learners reach a higher order of thinking. This is something we need to consider more in the age of AI.

Try Mirror, commitment-free, with your students

Do your students need more cohesion in their learning experience? Could you use more support amidst time constraints? Explore supporting your students’ learning with reflection. Try Mirror with students in your class for free today!

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Using verbal reflections to improve student writing https://www.swivl.com/2024/06/10/using-verbal-reflections-to-improve-student-writing/ Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:58:13 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=88158 Mirror helped some of my students think more deeply about things they had struggled with, making it easier to convey their thoughts in writing. Sarah Marin | Hildebrandt Intermediate School, Klein ISD Sarah Marin, a 7th-grade English teacher at Hildebrandt Intermediate School, assigns all of her students an end-of-year research project where they present on […]

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Getting deeper insights into each student

Sarah Marin


Grade Level

Sarah Marin, a 7th-grade English teacher at Hildebrandt Intermediate School, assigns all of her students an end-of-year research project where they present on a country of their choice. This year, she gave her students the option to use Swivl’s new interactive reflection station Mirror to complete verbal project reflections. In previous years, she had her students complete their written reflections. In Sarah’s final tally, 59 of her students chose to complete their reflections with Mirror instead. 

Sarah found that introducing Mirror integrated seamlessly within her classroom assessment dynamic. Most of her students are 12, going on 13, and grew up being comfortable with technology, so they immediately gravitated toward reflection with Mirror. Even students who typically struggle to focus quickly grasped how to use Mirror.  For one of her neurodivergent students in particular, Mirror gave them an immediate confidence boost. Throughout the year, her student had struggled with focus and comprehension in other exercises. While using Mirror, however, this student took the initiative and easily guided themselves through completing the assignment. Her student intuitively understood the reflection’s workflow when presented through Mirror, and stayed focused on the objective throughout the reflection prompts.

Better student outcomes

Sarah loved that her students who chose to complete their reflections with Mirror answered with full fidelity. “It forced them to truly articulate how they had felt about the project,” Sarah explained. “Not having to talk to a teacher and feel judged really enabled my students to open up and use their metacognitive abilities.” 

Reflecting aloud prepared the students for a follow-up reflection discussion. “I noticed that some of the kids who did Mirror first did a better job on their overall reflection because they had already had to put their thoughts into words. It helped some of my students think more deeply about things they had struggled with, making it easier to convey their thoughts in writing.”

Those new dimensions of candor, gleaned through Mirror, provided Sarah with new insights into how she could support each student for the rest of the school year and how to structure the project for better results next year.

Sarah plans to continue using Mirror, seeing applications for self-reflection for next year. She is looking forward to using it at the beginning of the school year to measure each student’s comprehension. Sarah is confident she can use Mirror to individually support each of her students more quickly.

Read more about how Klein ISD educators are using Mirror

  • Kleb Intermediate School –  Instructional Specialist in Digital Learning, Kim Sharp, introduces Mirror with her co-teaching partner, Christy Stewart, to their Advanced Humanities class.
  • Klein ISD –  Monica Shallenberger, the Director of Professional Learning for the Klein Independent School District, uses Mirror to support her teachers amidst stringent state budgets. 

Interested in seeing how Mirror can support your students and teachers? Sign up to participate in a 30-day, free demo of Mirror.

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Mirror: Helping teachers amid budget cuts https://www.swivl.com/2024/06/10/mirror-helping-teachers-amid-budget-cuts/ Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:55:27 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=88148 As the Director of Professional Learning at Klein Independent School District, Monica Shallenberger needs to keep a global administrative perspective. She has the difficult role of analyzing funding across her district. Monica lamented that with state legislation, “Inflation gaps were not filled this year and have not been filled for six years.”  Although she doesn’t […]

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Providing teacher support with grant-funded tools

Monica Shallenberger


Grade Level district-wide

As the Director of Professional Learning at Klein Independent School District, Monica Shallenberger needs to keep a global administrative perspective. She has the difficult role of analyzing funding across her district. Monica lamented that with state legislation, “Inflation gaps were not filled this year and have not been filled for six years.”  Although she doesn’t have to cut any of her teachers this year, she is unable to bring on additional support in the form of salaried staff. Tech solutions stood out as the obvious answer to get teachers the classroom support, with Title 1 funding

Monica is focused on anything she can do to support her teachers. In Texas, the workforce is drastically changing. Teachers are being thrown into the profession sooner, for hands-on certification, rather than attending student-teaching programs. “We have a lot of uncertified teachers in our district who are working on their certification while on the job. And that’s a very different type of classroom. They’re coming from these different experiences, but without the amount of training that you’d receive in that we all got in college education programs.”

Monica is excited about the possibilities Mirror offers for enhancing reflection and learning for both students and staff. Her teachers are using Mirror to support small group learning. “Teachers are so excited because it’s helping kids build their comprehension. They’re exercising their verbal skills, talking through their processes of learning, and then get actual helpful feedback. Our teachers are blown-away!”

Monica hopes to make Klein ISD a “heavily Mirror integrated district” while navigating budget constraints. She sees opportunities to fund Mirror through grants and Title funds, especially as principals around the district begin to see how Mirror is positively impacting teachers and students.

Read more about how Klein ISD educators are using Mirror

  • Kleb Intermediate School –  Instructional Specialist in Digital Learning, Kim Sharp, introduces Mirror with her co-teaching partner, Christy Stewart, to their Advanced Humanities class.
  • Hildebrandt Intermediate School – Sarah Marin uses Mirror in her 7th-grade English classroom for project-based learning assessments.

Interested in seeing how Mirror can support your students and teachers? Sign up to participate in a 30-day, free demo of Mirror.

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Research-based feedback for students and insights for teachers, within minutes https://www.swivl.com/2024/06/10/research-based-feedback-for-students/ Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:51:55 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=88140 As an innovative Instructional Specialist in Digital Learning for Kleb Intermediate School, Kim Sharp wanted to find new ways to gain insights into her students’ learning and growth. She decided to explore tech solutions that qualified for Title 1 funding. Her research led to Swivl’s new interactive reflection station, Mirror. After receiving Mirror, Kim put […]

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Build reflective skills and improve writing outcomes

Kim Sharp


Grade: middle school

As an innovative Instructional Specialist in Digital Learning for Kleb Intermediate School, Kim Sharp wanted to find new ways to gain insights into her students’ learning and growth. She decided to explore tech solutions that qualified for Title 1 funding. Her research led to Swivl’s new interactive reflection station, Mirror.

After receiving Mirror, Kim put the device to the test. Kim had her humanities co-teaching partner, Christy Stewart, create custom reflections in Mirror for each of her students to reflect on their writing processes. Their goal was to determine whether offering an option for students to record verbal reflections would help the students improve their written outcomes.

When setting up custom reflections for students to complete with Mirror, teachers have the choice to type out the “goal” of a reflection or to record themselves as they say the goal out loud. Kim and Christy decided to record the goal so the students would hear their teacher’s voice.

Students were initially hesitant about recording verbal reflections with Mirror, but after demoing how to use it, and hearing their teachers’ voices stating the goal, they quickly warmed up. The students even named their Mirror, Siggy after Sigmund Freud.

Improving students’ reflective skills

The more Kim and Christy used Mirror with their students the more they realized that their students don’t know how to reflect on their own. This made them realize that Mirror needed a dedicated place in their classroom. This newly minted reflection station helps students easily build their reflective skills.

After a student records a reflection with Mirror, Mirror’s AI generates immediate feedback based on the student’s response. Each piece of feedback includes something a student did well, and offers an unbiased insight into how students can improve.

Data grounded in education research and theory

As part of the feedback Mirror offers, teachers can access a dashboard containing individualized reflection cards for each student reflection. To generate the data on each card Mirror’s AI measures the student’s reflection against education research and theories from Piaget, Kegan, Erikson, Vygotsky, CASEL, and more.

Minutes after a student completes a reflection, teachers are able to dive into the data. Mirror presents an overall reflection score comprising sentiment, tone, and mindset scoring. It clearly lays out how a student understood the objective of the reflection, to name a few of the data points.

“I found the teacher dashboard extremely helpful! The color coding on each student’s reflection that assessed their tone meant I could easily see the students that were having a really good day. On the students where the analysis was red, I immediately knew where I needed to focus more one-on-one time.”

Helping students demonstrate how they are thinking

Mirror is helping Christy and Kim better understand the thinking patterns of each of their students. Mirror isn’t a linear assessment. Mirror is enabling Kim and Christy to see a better representation of their students’ thinking processes – in their words, “We’re able to see the students who always think outside of the box, and the students who need more support to think outside of the box.” For Kleb Intermediate School they have found a solution that provides better opportunities for students to process concepts and themes while expressing the depth of their thinking.

Read more about how Klein ISD educators are using Mirror

  • Klein ISD –  Monica Shallenberger, the Director of Professional Learning for the Klein Independent School District, uses Mirror to support her teachers amidst stringent state budgets. 
  • Hildebrandt Intermediate School – Sarah Marin uses Mirror in her 7th-grade English classroom for project-based learning assessments.

Interested in seeing how Mirror can support your students and teachers? Sign up to participate in a 30-day, free demo of Mirror.

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Immediate feedback for every student, after every lesson https://www.swivl.com/2024/06/10/mirror-is-elementary-school-game-changer/ Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:33:18 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=88126 Before Claxton Elementary started using Mirror, teachers relied on writing assignments as the primary format for collecting student reflections. A few teachers were even bold enough to try video. But, with each of these methods, teachers struggled to identify students’ underlying needs and students experienced long delays between finishing the reflection and receiving feedback. Claxton […]

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I checked a 4th grade lesson board, entered that day’s objective into Mirror, and one minute later I had students reflecting and getting targeted feedback.

Reflection for students and teachers

Jennifer Rodabaugh


Grade Level 4th

Before Claxton Elementary started using Mirror, teachers relied on writing assignments as the primary format for collecting student reflections. A few teachers were even bold enough to try video. But, with each of these methods, teachers struggled to identify students’ underlying needs and students experienced long delays between finishing the reflection and receiving feedback.

Claxton teachers needed a solution that helped them understand student learning gaps in more depth and helped cement authentic and timely feedback loops. After vetting several solutions, they chose Mirror.

AI that works for you

Jennifer Rodabaugh is an instructional coach at Claxton Elementary. She embraces her teachers using AI. One of her 4th grade teachers was using ChatGPT to develop written reflective prompts for students but it wasn’t the best fit. It was time-consuming and laborious to develop prompts that were grade-level appropriate and standards-based.While looking for other solutions, they signed up for Mirror’s demo program. Mirror demonstrated how AI would work for them to uncover gaps in student understanding with minimal lift or prep from teachers. With Mirror, Jennifer and the 4th grade teacher effectively generated reflective prompts in under 2 minutes, a task that previously took them 1.5 hours using ChatGPT. “One minute I entered a 4th grade class, I checked the board for that day’s objective, I entered that objective into Mirror and a minute later, I had students reflecting and getting feedback,” Jennifer recounted.

Faster feedback, never generic

The ability to generate reflective prompts quickly and easily was huge for Jennifer and her teachers, but that’s not all that Mirror’s AI can streamline.

Teachers lament grading written and video reflections. It is a time-consuming process, and teachers can’t immediately provide feedback and positive reinforcement to their students. It is in the moments right after an activity ends when students are most unsure of how they did or what they can do to improve in the future. 

Jennifer says, “With this technology, teachers can teach one group and have students reflect with Mirror in other small groups simultaneously, which enables students to get that immediate feedback that teachers typically don’t have time to give in the moment.” Mirror ensures that each feedback is personalized to each student, is relevant to the activity objective, and offers strategies to the student on how to improve their reflective skills.

Helping teachers uncover hidden learning gaps

But Mirror’s feedback loop doesn’t end when a student is finished reflecting at the device. Mirror’s AI technology works behind the scenes analyzing the responses and assessing various academic and social-emotional insights, such as mindset, sentiment, and understanding of the objective. Then Mirror’s analysis is posted directly to the teacher’s dashboard within 1 minute. Mirror uncovers hidden learning gaps which led Claxton teachers to realize that students were struggling with concepts they thought students understood. Jennifer says Mirror has been a “game-changer” for Claxton teachers and their students and they’ve only had it for one month. 

Try Mirror, commitment-free, with your students

Do you struggle to deliver timely feedback to students and feel like you’re always one step behind in understanding what they need to be successful? Spend more time building relationships with students and less time in red ink. Try Mirror with students in your class for free today!

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Helps students motivate themselves https://www.swivl.com/2024/05/22/julie-witczak/ Wed, 22 May 2024 13:49:36 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=87543 At the end of a project, my students often turn in journals with reflections about their experiences. I have a hard time grading them because I know how hard they worked on these projects, but the journal entries just don’t represent their efforts. I wasn’t seeing the evidence of the work I knew they were […]

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Students leave Mirror feeling empowered by its feedback because they pushed themselves beyond their comfort zone.

SEL, self-expression, self-improvement, confidence, motivation

Julie Witczak


Grade Level 7-8

At the end of a project, my students often turn in journals with reflections about their experiences. I have a hard time grading them because I know how hard they worked on these projects, but the journal entries just don’t represent their efforts. I wasn’t seeing the evidence of the work I knew they were capable of. They also often forget to journal daily or update their entries. They take their final work day to write the entire reflection and numerous things are missing or forgotten, so I end up with a lot of simple answers to complex questions.  

Julie’s 7th and 8th graders react to Mirror

When I introduced Mirror for verbal reflection, students finally took the initiative to talk to it and they didn’t have to be reminded – they were excited to do it! Students also had a lot more to say when speaking rather than writing and Mirror’s personalized feedback makes them each feel individually heard. If I had conducted 1:1 verbal conversations with each student instead of Mirror, my entire class time would be spent listening and I wouldn’t have time to analyze their responses thoroughly or offer fair and accurate feedback.

Instead, through Mirror’s dashboard, I’m able to understand and address students’ immediate problems through their reflection scores. After each reflection they also get immediate feedback directly from Mirror, which they accept more readily because they don’t feel judged. Their reflections are now more detailed, exciting, and structured and the students actually apply the feedback in future assignments.

I’ve been inviting students to use Mirror as an option for every project. I had 5 students per class take me up on it during our first project and participation has tripled since then! Offering choice for using Mirror means students experience more enjoyment over their mandatory journal entries which were often hastily written and painful for them to finish. And as opposed to journaling which doesn’t give the students immediate feedback, Mirror engages them daily and they thrive on its feedback.

K-12 student is beginning a reflection with Mirror by Swivl.

Some of my students have even begun to open up more. I’ve gotten to know them better by listening to their thoughts and expressions. Students leave Mirror feeling empowered by its feedback because they pushed themselves beyond their comfort zone.

I have one student in particular who asks me for her reflection score daily. For her, the score is a measure of her daily improvement. When she reflects with Mirror, the next day, her goal is to raise that number. It’s great to see she cares about working on these skills. 

I’m excited to take time over the summer to plan out my next steps with Mirror. I have a class I’ve looped with for two years. They will be 8th graders next year and they meet just once a week for only 27 minutes. I want to start the year with a set of SEL-focused questions and by the end of the year, I expect to have a full dashboard of responses about their experiences from the past three years they have been together. Then I’ll share their reflections with the incoming 6th graders who will start this class with me for the next three years. My current kids can share their struggles, challenges, and growth, and my future kids can hear words of wisdom from kids who have just graduated. I’m excited about this possibility!

I also advise the GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) at the middle school. I’m certain that Mirror will offer them a safe space to reflect on their identity journeys and how sharing their experiences may positively impact future students who join the organization.

I am so excited to see where Mirror will help me take my students next year and beyond!

Swivl Mirror demo

Want to experience the transformational effects of reflection with your students? Sign up to try Mirror for free for 30-days. During the demo your school will have dedicated support – from unboxing, personalizing Mirror for your goals, and anything else you may need to be successful with student reflections.

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Mirror helps students with autism reflect for the first time https://www.swivl.com/2024/05/21/mirror-helps-students-with-autism-reflect-for-the-first-time/ Tue, 21 May 2024 21:29:41 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=87566 Mirror is the true integration of social emotional learning, academics, and technology. Wendy Miller | La Habra Schools Wendy Miller has spent nearly 30 teaching Special Education, so she knows a thing or two about differentiating support for her learners. Enter Wendy’s classroom and you’ll find a vast wonderland of multi-modal interactive tools to offer […]

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Assess understanding of students with autism through reflection

Wendy Miller


Grade Level

Wendy Miller has spent nearly 30 teaching Special Education, so she knows a thing or two about differentiating support for her learners. Enter Wendy’s classroom and you’ll find a vast wonderland of multi-modal interactive tools to offer engagement and stimulation. She has robotics, lego systems, and sensory stations galore. What she didn’t have was a way for her students to reflect on their learning in a format that was comfortable for them and scalable for her. That is until she had them reflect with Mirror.

In the past, student reflection in Wendy’s classroom was something only possible to observe on the spot – during verbal, one-on-one conversations with each of her 12 students. However, this method had significant limitations, especially for her students with autism. These students’ interpersonal dialogue is often mired by their extreme anxiety or challenging articulation. While Wendy has built a strong rapport with each of her students with autism, it was almost impossible for her to immediately spot each student’s specific learning gaps.

A verbal reflection tool 

When Wendy was first introduced to Mirror by Swivl, she thought it could be a viable solution to alleviate pressure for her students to communicate, but she couldn’t imagine the impact it would have within her classroom.

Mirror has enabled her students with autism to be more open and expansive than ever before about what they’re learning.

“I hear much better language samples when they use Mirror than when we talk face-to-face, which has been so powerful. Even my students with the most challenging articulation, Mirror seemed to know what they were saying. I was so impressed because most people cannot even understand what the child is trying to say, and here’s a solution that not only understands what they’re saying, it is also helping me identify learning gaps.”

Time-saving insights 

Wendy’s students, on average, spend two minutes at Mirror reflecting on a lesson. Mirror’s AI then synthesizes the student’s response for understanding, mindset, and social-emotional wellness, saving Wendy up to 20 minutes per day, per student. These instantaneous insights are helping Wendy streamline time spent tracking longer-range goals so she can instead focus on sustaining the core relationships she has built with each student.

“I work with my students for three or four years before they move on so I really get to see how they can grow and change, but these reflections give me more specific data to address their IEP goals and define the next step in their communication and their interactions for their social-emotional learning goals as well.”

Elevating student feedback 

For Wendy, Mirror is the ultimate integration of social emotional learning, academics, and technology. Now she relies on Mirror to elicit higher quality reflections from her students and the data that Mirror extracts from each reflection reveals the hidden lessons they are really experiencing in her class. And for the first time, she has been able to provide her students with the kind of specific and individualized feedback that every learner – on the autism spectrum or not – deserves.

“Normally we just say ‘good job,’ and we move on but can’t go much deeper than that. With the data and feedback that Mirror’s dashboard provides, I can help them improve their grammar, use of adjectives, and level of detail in their responses. It’s been so powerful to really help each child improve their speech.”

Try Mirror, commitment-free, with your students

Interested in finding out what hidden lessons your students are experiencing in your class? You can sign up to demo Mirror for 30-days, free.

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Students voice their Mirror feedback https://www.swivl.com/2024/05/13/students-voice-their-mirror-feedback/ Mon, 13 May 2024 11:40:21 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=87069 Julie Witczak, a middle school Communication Media Arts teacher and Mirror demo participant, interviewed some of her 7th and 8th grade students at Caruso Middle School, IL about using Swivl’s Mirror to support reflection after project-based learning activities. Here were some of the responses: Swivl Mirror demo Want to experience the transformational effects of reflection […]

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Julie Witczak, a middle school Communication Media Arts teacher and Mirror demo participant, interviewed some of her 7th and 8th grade students at Caruso Middle School, IL about using Swivl’s Mirror to support reflection after project-based learning activities.

Here were some of the responses:

Students from Caruso Middle School, IL speaking about using Swivl’s Mirror

Swivl Mirror demo

Want to experience the transformational effects of reflection with your students? Sign up to try Mirror for free for 30-days. During the demo your school will have dedicated support – from unboxing, personalizing Mirror for your goals, and anything else you may need to be successful with student reflections.

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Reducing learning gaps while gaining student trust https://www.swivl.com/2024/05/07/reducing-learning-gaps-while-gaining-student-trust/ Tue, 07 May 2024 12:46:29 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=86817 One of the Mirror demo program participants is a high school teacher with resource classes for students with IEPs and 504s. Her primary goal for each student is to build a bridge of trust with them so she can identify their learning gaps. She aims to work in tandem with each student to be able […]

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Identifying learning gaps

Mirror demo program participant

Grade High School

One of the Mirror demo program participants is a high school teacher with resource classes for students with IEPs and 504s. Her primary goal for each student is to build a bridge of trust with them so she can identify their learning gaps. She aims to work in tandem with each student to be able to give them the support they need to be successful in their work. A large part of her role includes tracking individual progress.

“It’s sometimes difficult for me to get into my students’ brains to help create a unique roadmap of success for each of them. Learning gaps aren’t always explicit until a student is failing. Until then, often students don’t trust or are intimidated by speaking to adults, which only makes my job harder. School years are short, and it can be difficult to make significant progress with students who aren’t comfortable taking a chance to build trust with me.”

When she first heard about Mirror she became excited about the possibilities it presented to save her time in tracking each of her student’s progress throughout the year. With Mirror, she was now able to have each of her students reflect on a project. Mirror would then automatically produce a dashboard of insights for each student, saving her time reviewing each individual reflection. All all of the data is kept in one central location.

“Mirror is beneficial for teachers but also for the kids. This is something I hadn’t considered when I first heard of Mirror.” The first time she had each of her students use Mirror to record a reflection she noticed students were more comfortable speaking authentically to Mirror than to her. She began viewing the device as more than a timesaving tool for her work. Mirror was a bridge to communicate authentically with her students, find hidden learning gaps, and build trust more easily with each of them. 

While viewing the first reflections her students recorded she noticed that one student remained silent during his first reflection. She already knew that this student struggled to voice how he felt about class and what he was learning. She was determined to figure out how she could help this student become more open and vulnerable while reflecting with Mirror. The next day in class she took a different approach.

Mirror helped me see what hurdles were standing in his way of success

“I began our time together leading a group discussion about what a reflection is. I defined the things I wanted each of them to think about while they reflected with Mirror. I took this approach because I realized for the majority of my students this was the first time they sat down and reflected on their work.

Once we had this discussion, the student who was silent during his first reflection recorded another. This reflection was completely different. He went into a lot of detail about what he didn’t understand about what we were learning. From the Mirror insights, I was able to see his frustration and high stress levels. I was able to know exactly what he was struggling with and how I could support him.

Without that reflection, I would have never known that he was feeling that way about the material. Now, I am able to validate his feelings and break things down for him. His confidence level skyrocketed, not just with the material, but with everything.

Mirror helped me see what hurdles were standing in his way of success.”

For this student, reflecting regularly with Mirror has helped him flourish in school. “He was even able to earn his first 100 on a test!” As a teacher, the excitement in this achievement is clear. “I’m excited to see what other transformations my students will experience with a regular reflective practice with Mirror.”

Swivl Mirror demo

Want to experience the transformational effects of reflection with your students? Sign up to try Mirror for free for 30-days. During the demo your school will have dedicated support – from unboxing, personalizing Mirror for your goals, and anything else you may need to be successful with student reflections.

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Reflection belongs in higher education https://www.swivl.com/2024/03/28/chris-eck/ Thu, 28 Mar 2024 19:40:38 +0000 https://www.swivl.com/?p=84007 “Whether we’re talking about K-12 or higher education, allowing students an opportunity to reflect is important and I feel like we don’t offer enough opportunities for that, especially in our university classes, because of their high-paced nature. It’s a lost opportunity that students aren’t given more outlets to reflect at all levels of education.” Chris […]

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Providing purposeful reflection

Chris Eck


Grade Higher Education

“Whether we’re talking about K-12 or higher education, allowing students an opportunity to reflect is important and I feel like we don’t offer enough opportunities for that, especially in our university classes, because of their high-paced nature. It’s a lost opportunity that students aren’t given more outlets to reflect at all levels of education.”

Chris Eck oversees both graduate and undergraduate students who are on a path to teaching and recently, he has incorporated Mirror into his graduate students’ curriculum. Reflection is a tenet the students are all familiar with, yet infrequently have the time and space to practice it organically within the confines of their demanding coursework. To remedy that, as part of their professional development in his weekly three hour class, Chris created a reflection station using Mirror. Mirror’s AI prompts generator enables Chris to customize reflection opportunities for his students to glean new insights into their thought processes every week. 

Chris is advancing his personal goal to provide numerous opportunities for structured reflection for his five graduate students and – based on their early success – plans to scale it to his 25 undergraduate students using Mirror’s Workspace. Workspace enables small group reflection and guided activities through teacher-driven automated workflows.

Responses to the data dashboard

With Mirror, Chris and his students now each have learning experiences tailored to their needs. Chris gave each of his graduate students a comprehensive overview of Mirror – including how they can leverage it as a classroom tool beyond reflections. “Each of my graduate students has a goal to become university faculty members. The first time they reflected with Mirror, I walked them through the dashboard and demonstrated how we could incorporate reflective data to drive our discussions. I wanted to expand their thinking by understanding the tool’s potential.” 

Chris’s two-fold approach provides structured context for reviewing reflection data. First, he socializes the benefits of reflecting with Mirror by providing a full overview of the dashboard, reviewing everyone’s reflection data together as a group. Second, he and his students synthesize the reflection data together, identifying patterns and themes. “We look at the data on the dashboard as a class to find themes of common struggles and use them as the starting point for our discussions. Or, conversely, we look at the data dashboard to find really great ideas, which create a new line of discussion that benefits everybody.” Chris has seamlessly integrated Mirror into his teaching, providing his students with an outlet for self-reflection and insights into their peers’ thought processes.

In their journey toward becoming educators themselves, these students find themselves at a pivotal stage for habit formation. Empowering them with structured reflection whilst keeping pace with their coursework, not only prepares them for the challenges of the modern classroom but also unlocks the benefits of reflection, for themselves and their future students. Mirror is a foundation to build strategic integration of reflective practices that not only enhances their own learning journeys but fosters growth mindsets and helps them become lifelong learners.

Try Mirror free for 30 days

Curious how Mirror can automate reflection in your classroom? Signing up for the Mirror demo gives your school dedicated support and an opportunity to try Mirror for free. Throughout your demo, our team will walk you through unboxing, personalizing Mirror for your goals, and anything else you may need to be successful with reflection.

The post Reflection belongs in higher education appeared first on Swivl.
