I am able to invite all 104 of my students to reflect regularly and bring feedback to them almost instantly.
Annette Lang | Bio-Med Science Academy
High-volume reflecting after project-based learning
Annette Lang
Technology Instructor and RESA Coordinator
Bio-Med Science Academy
Grade Level 7th
“When my students wrote their reflections I felt like I was missing out on what they really knew. Written reflections lack the depth and context I need to understand each student’s needs. It also wasn’t scalable – I have 104 students. With Mirror, I can invite all of my students to reflect regularly and bring feedback to them almost instantly. More importantly, I no longer have to be their evaluator. I can step into the role of being their coach.”
Students at the Bio-Med Science Academy have a mastery-based grading system and a project-based learning curriculum. Annette Lang, STEM educator for over 12 years, has been overseeing their project-based learning. While reflection is a requirement within student projects, assessing 104 students on a weekly basis has been a logistical nightmare for Annette.
Annette’s goal is to leverage Mirror to strengthen her students’ ability to communicate their progress more effectively and optimize her time to support when they are faced with roadblocks. Reflection with Mirror enables students to provide evidence that they understand their work and helps students acquire effective communication skills throughout the process.
Annette’s thoughts on AI
“Learning how to live with AI is important.” Annette noted that AI is already integrated into different areas of her life, from basic tasks like changing a flight to the more complex: empowering her daily reflection. Annette wants to give her students more opportunities to be able to handle AI productively as it integrates more and more into their daily lives too.
With reflection, Mirror supports an authentic reflective process, enabled by AI. Annette noted that while being introspective, “it was a lot less intimidating to talk to Mirror than to talk to a person.”
Try Mirror free for 30 days
Curious how Mirror can automate reflection in your classroom? Signing up for the Mirror demo gives your school dedicated support and an opportunity to try Mirror for free. Throughout your demo, our team will walk you through unboxing, personalizing Mirror for your goals, and anything else you may need to be successful with reflection.